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“I just wanted to let you know how satisfied I was with the service provided by Francis Pierre. I was surfing the Internet comparing merchant account fees and information when I ran across Money Man 4 Integrity. I read all the information and decided to call on a Sunday afternoon. Right away, I got Francis on the phone and he answered all my questions with ease. He was very knowledgeable about your company and the product that you offer. At no point did I feel pressured to do anything; as a matter of fact, I was the one who asked him when I could sign up.

The process for online merchant services took a day and a half, then I was happily up and running, and ready to accept my first credit card purchase. The pricing fits my budget and the transaction fees were perfect. You have a gem in this young man and hopefully he won’t go anywhere so I can refer customers to him. Thank you again Francis for everything. I’m looking forward to doing business with you guys!”<<